Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I Gotta Be a Dope for Doing This...

It's so silly for me to try to encode anything, but hey, this is my playground. My friend Roach hooked me up on Flixster, which is supposed to be a meet & greet place spot for people based on their feelings about movies. The meet & greet doesn't work so much for me (the majority of Flixster users appear to be teenage Canadians) but the site also allows for posting movie reviews, which works GREAT for me. How nice to have a shared forum for my movie pontification! At this site, you can be your own Roeper and give people crap about their reviews: an idea I like. So, back to the encoding, Flixster allows for a way to post my movie reviews to Blogger. I'm currently at 667 ratings with 84 written reviews, so I should share this body of work which I'm rapidly becoming addicted to and will surely grow. See the sidebar to check if my encoding worked or if I crashed the whole blog.

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