Friday, September 26, 2008

Movie Catchup

My Little Miss Sunshine review was the extent of my thoughts on oscar nominated movies of 2007, but I had promised to write a little more on other Best Picture nominees. Of 2007. Okay, I'm catching up a little slow (and I'm totally late for anything M80 was doing), but here goes.

Children of Men: Solid. A very compelling allegory about a world made sterile, literally and figuratively. The violence that permeates 90 minutes of the movie makes the one minute of silence brought by a wailing infant very powerful. People dealing with infertility will have a unique perspective on this movie. Worthy Best Picture nominee, but not the year's best.

Pan's Labyrinth: Visually spectacular, but maybe I saw it too late; the incredible number of glowing reviews I read made me think I was going to see one of the greatest movies of all time. It was definitely good and a worthy nominee but not the years best. I will say that the scene where the white thing chases the little girl down the hallway gave me nightmares.

Little Miss Sunshine was still the best of 2007 for me. In 2008, I fell far behind in my movie watching. Having a child does that; we've seen three movies in the theater since George was born (and about as many rentals) and he turns one next week. He's a pretty good picture in and of himself, though. I'm still trying to piece together what little movie thoughts I've had in 2008. Ratatouille and Juno were both excellent. No Country for Old Men was a welcome reacquaintance with classic Coen movies. Michael Clayton was overblown junk. Was that really all the movies I saw? Jeez. Maybe I can write more stuff for M80 in 2009.

Well, screw it. I saw The Dark Knight and it was fantastic, especially because old friend Mike Vieau had a very notable scene and almost the entire movie was filmed in Chicago. Hopefully there's a third Christopher Nolan Batman movie shot here and more worthy Chicago actors will get exposure.

Stay tuned for upcoming Factory Theater news, which where I happily spend the little free time I have.

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