Friday, March 10, 2006

Back to the Search

Yesterday was the last day of classes at DePaul, so today should be all about the job search. I'll have a huge pile of research papers to grade come next week and one less paycheck. I'll apply pretty much anywhere now. I'll go to my old PC technician agencies, try other agencies, check Craig's List, and whatever else. I will NOT waste my time with Career Builder, which I tried for nine months, sending over 50 applications and getting not one single response. As evidenced by previous posts and additional rantings, the job search is a high source of frustration. Sending my resume into mail and digital oblivion has gotten very old and cost way too much. The only jobs I've secured in the past six years have been from some pre-existing connection: I knew someone who worked where I was applying or I had some past connection to the organization (I now welcome myself to the real world). The problem now is, being in the middle of a career change from tech support to teaching, I've got precious few contacts in the teaching world. I see no currently open teaching positions and my existing adjunct positions have run out. I was a bad-ass data entry man back in the day, and I actually know how to change jumpers on a motherboard (that's not a euphemism for anything, but it should be), so I have options. However, I got out of PC tech work for a reason: it blows. But having no money also blows, so priorities shift. Okay, self-analytic procrastination ends, now back to the job search, after pouring coffee, checking email, looking at the Tempo section in the Trib, and doing laundry. Really.

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