Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Welcome Prize

I'm pleased to report that my Little Miss Sunshine review won an online contest from m80 and I now have a sparkling new copy of Little Miss Sunshine (movie info) as a prize. Like my theater work, I don't expect to be compensated for writing, but I sure do appreciate any sort of pay when it does come. Ideally, of course, I'd be compensated commensurate to the time, sweat, blood, etc. I've put into the two crafts I love so dearly, but if I did either of these activities for the money, I'd have left them over ten years ago. So I will take a few seconds to bask in the appreciation of the moment.

'Kay. I'm done.

Regardless of contests or compensation, I firmly believe that Little Miss Sunshine was the best movie of the year last year. The Departed, Babel, The Devil Wears Prada were all fine movies, but did not fulfill as much as LMS did. I'll gladly post thoughts about those movies later to show their worth. I'm sure I'll write about Pan's Labyrinth and Children of Men as well, but in the realm of storytelling, meaningful comedic reflection, and ensemble acting, nothing's touching LMS for a long time, if ever.

More reviews to see:
Hot Fuzz
The Descent
Musings on M. Night Shyamalan


Anonymous said...

Cheers! Congrats!

I'll raise a pint in your honor this weekend.

And you're spot on. The Departed had too many loose ends (my main problem with the movie was character delopment that occasionally stopped cold, but that could also be a product of the editing room and not the writing).

Anyway, congrats!!!

Colin said...

Thanks, dood. I'll be raising many pints this weekend. Cheers!