Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Another Quarter in the Bag

My latest class are at an end except for the 700 pages of final papers I need to read. This was a good quarter in the land of Academia. Teaching three writing classes is difficult and tiring, but not the impossible task some would have you believe. Living on not knowing how you're paying rent and bills is an impossible task. However, it is also a task to be directly combatted. I loved teaching, I loved getting to meet and read more students, I loved practicing my teaching, and I've had interesting developments in work and pedagogy at my University (more on this later, especially if the strange political winds continue to blow, and even more especially if they continue to bring a smell I'm really not liking). My best friend has taken up the blogging torch to my great delight; he tells great stories and I'm looking forward to reading them. Spring is in the air, college basketball is in full fever pitch (sorry Mr. Hornby), and Chicago is the greatest city in the world to reside in during this time of year. Now if only I could put a few more quarters in my pocket.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spring is one of those words that just brings a smile to my face. The other is bosom. I tend to take both for granted until winter comes and I forget either exists.

Hang in there. Thanks for the linky-link. Hopefully you can find a nice place to become the "Talent". We're pulling for you over here in beantown.