Checking the spelling and page numbers of a machine industrial parts catalog for eight hours a day necessitates plenty of mind wandering to pass the time. When I've run out of music, I finally stop acting like an anti-social a-hole and listen to what my co-workers in the adjoining cubes are saying. I discovered one co-worker passes time with puns. He demonstrates these puns for the other cube denizens. Example:
Person A: "I feel sad for those casters and bolts that can't find a home."
Person B: "The casters and bolts that can't find a home?"
Person A: "You know, the Pneumatic ones."
Gotta admire the continued use of lingual irony while the brain numbs from spreadsheet and PDF overexposure. These staffpersons pass their time on much more honest fashion than I. I've given myself five email boxes to check because checking email was not forbidden. Most likely, this composition is being watched through the mirroring and monitoring software, but I'm keeping it within break time length. Besides, it's good to exercise cognition during the brain-freeze tasks, whether by puns or meaningless electronic scribbling. Next break, I'll write about the creepy woods that surround this corporate compound. That'll keep my horror-movie imagination running; one my most prized mental possessions. I refuse to lose that level of my cognition. That would just be horror-ible.